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$ 1600 | 腹部影像學圖譜
作者:MUKESH G. HARISINGHANI / 譯者:吳慶蘭、周筱萍、柳建安等翻譯 出版社:合記圖書出版社 出版日期:2012-01-01 規格:26*19cm / 初版 / 精裝 / 544頁 三民網路書店 - 醫療保健 - 來源網頁   看圖書介紹 |
I 肝臟(Liver)
病例 1 肝臟血管瘤(Hepatic Hemangioma) 1
病例 2 局部結節性增生(Focal Nodular Hyperplasia) 5
病例 3 肝臟腺瘤(Liver Adenoma) 9
病例 4 包蟲囊病(Hydatid Disease) 14
病例 5 化膿性肝膿瘍(Pyogenic Liver Abscess) 18
病例 6 肝臟靜脈畸形(Hepatic Venous Malformation) 21
病例 7 肝內膽管癌(Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma) 25
病例 8 肝臟淋巴瘤(Hepatic Lymphoma) 29
病例 9 胰臟原發癌之肝臟轉移(Liver Metastasis from Primary Pancreatic Cancer) 32
病例10 乳癌病患之鈣化性肝轉移(Calcified Hepatic Metastases in a Patient with Breast Cancer) 35
病例11 肝細胞癌(Hepatocellular Carcinoma) 38
II 膽囊與膽管(Gallbladder and Bile Ducts)
病例12 急性非結石性膽囊炎(Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis) 42
病例13 膽囊瘜肉(Gallbladder Polyp) 47
病例14 陶瓷樣膽囊(Porcelain Gallbladder) 50
病例15 膽囊腺肌瘤症(Adenomyomatosis of Gallbladder) 53
病例16 膽道蛔蟲症(Biliary Ascariasis) 56
病例17 膽囊癌(Gallbladder Carcinoma) 59
病例18 總膽管囊腫(Choledochocele) 62
病例19 Mirizzi症候群(Mirizzi Syndrome) 65
病例20 總膽管結石(Choledocholithiasis) 68
病例21 原發性硬化性膽管炎(Primary Sclerosing ChoIangitis) 71
病例22 續發自膽道損傷的膽汁滲漏(Bile Leak Secondary to Bile Duct Injury) 74
III 胰臟(Pancreas)
病例23 胰腺分裂症(Pancreas Divisum) 77
病例24 導管內乳頭狀黏液性腫瘤(Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasia) 79
病例25 胰臟淋巴管瘤(Pancreatic Lymphangioma) 83
病例26 急性壞死性胰臟炎(Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis) 86
病例27 胰臟膿瘍(Pancreatic Abscess) 89
病例28 自體免疫型胰臟炎(Autoimmune Pancreatitis) 92
病例29 胰臟橫斷(Pancreatic Transection) 95
病例30 骨髓外漿細胞瘤(Extramedullary Plasmacytoma) 98
病例31 胰臟的微囊性腺瘤(Microcystic Adenoma 〔Serous Cystadenoma〕 of the Pancreas) 101
病例32 胰頭導管腺癌(Ductal Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreatic Head) 104
病例33 胰臟胰島細胞瘤(Islet Cell Tumor of the Pancreas 〔lnsulinoma〕) 107
病例34 轉移性腎細胞癌至胰臟(Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to the Pancreas) 110
病例35 實質性乳突狀上皮腫瘤(Solid Papillary Epithelial Neoplasm) 113
病例36 胰臟黏液性囊腺癌(Pancreatic Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma) 117
病例37 原發性胰臟淋巴瘤(Primary Pancreatic Lymphoma 〔Non-Hodgkin Type〕) 120
病例38 胰臟的無功能性神經內分泌腫瘤(Nonfunctioning Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas) 123
病例39 溝部胰臟炎(Groove Pancreatitis) 126
病例40 胰臟的腺泡細胞癌(Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas) 129
IV 脾臟(Spleen)
病例41 在胰尾的副脾臟(Accessory Spleen in the Pancreatic Tail) 132
病例42 脾臟之血管瘤(Hemangioma of the Spleen) 135
病例43 脾臟類肉瘤病(Splenic Sarcoidosis) 139
病例44 遊走脾(Wandering Spleen) 142
病例45 發炎性脾臟假性腫瘤(Inflammatory Splenic Pseudotumor) 146
病例46 因鐮刀型細胞病引發自體脾臟切除(Autosplenectomy from Sickle Cell Disease) 149
膠質二氧化釷沉積在肝臟、脾臟和淋巴結(Thorotrast Accumulation in the Liver, Spleen,
and Lymph Nodes) 152
脾臟動靜脈管,具有門靜脈高壓之影像學特徵(Splenic Arteriovenous Fistula with Features of Portal Hypertension) 155
病例49 淋巴瘤之脾臟次發性侵犯(Secondary Involvement of the Spleen in Lymphoma) 157
敗血性血栓造成脾臟和左腎梗塞(Septic Emboli Causing Infarcts in the Spleen and Left Kidney) 160
病例51 脾組織異位症(Splenosis) 163
V 腎臟與輸尿管(Kidneys and Ureters)
病例52 染色體顯性遺傳性多囊腎病(Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease) 166
病例53 腎臟血管肌肉脂肪瘤(Renal Angiomyolipoma) 169
病例54 脂肪缺乏性血管肌肉脂肪瘤(Lipid-poor Angiomyolipoma) 172
病例55 逆流性腎病變造成腎臟萎縮(Atrophic Right Kidney Secondary to Reflux Nephropathy) 175
病例56 腎梗塞,產生在腹主動脈瘤內操縱導管後(Renal Infarct) 178
病例57 右側腎臟腎盂腎炎(Pyelonephritis of the Right Kidney) 181
病例58 腎嗜酸細胞瘤(Oncocytoma) 184
病例59 後腎腺瘤(Metanephric Adenoma) 187
病例60 鋰鹽治療引發的腎臟變化(Renal Changes from Lithium Toxicity) 190
病例61 局部性腎臟囊腫疾病(Localized Cystic Disease of the KlOney) 192
病例62 多房性囊性腎瘤(Multilocular Cystic Nephroma) 195
病例63 Von Hippel-Lindau disease 198
病例64 囊性腎細胞癌(Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma) 201
病例65 腎臟膿瘍(Renal Abscess) 204
病例66 腎細胞癌(Renal Cell Carcinoma) 207
病例67 腎臟轉移性腫瘤,源自原發的肺腺癌(Renal Metastases from Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma) 211
病例68 非何杰金氏淋巴瘤(Lymphoma 〔Non-Hodgkin Type〕 Involving the Kidney) 214
病例69 後腹腔纖維化(Retroperitoneal Fibrosis) 217
VI 腎上腺(Adrenal Glands)
病例70 左側腎上腺囊腫(Left Adrenal Cyst) 220
病例71 髓質脂肪瘤(Myelolipoma) 224
病例72 嗜鉻細胞瘤(Pheochromocytoma) 227
病例73 腎上腺出血(Adrenal Hemorrhage) 231
病例74 左側腎上腺的腎細胞癌轉移(Metastic Renal Cell Carcinoma to the Left Adrenal Gland) 234
病例75 腎上腺皮質癌(Adrenocortical Carcinoma) 237
病例76 腎上腺神經節瘤(Adrenal Ganglioneuroma) 240
VII 胃腸道、腹腔與腹膜後(GI Tract, Peritoneal Cavity, and Retroperitoneum)
病例77 異常右鎖骨下動脈(Abberrant Right Subclavian Artery) 243
胃黏膜相關之淋巴樣組織性淋巴癌(Gastric Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue LyMphoma) 246
病例79 胃腺癌(Gastric Adenocarcinoma) 250
病例80 胃腸道間質瘤(Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor) 254
臟器橫軸向之胃扭轉於一大食道裂孔疝氣中(Organoaxial Gastric Volvulus in a Large Hiatal Hernia)
十二指腸憩室,由十二指腸側壁長出(Duodenal Diverticulum Arising from the Lateral Wall of the
Duodenum) 261
病例83 腹壁疝氣(Abdominal Wall Hernia) 265
病例84 急性腸系膜缺血(Acute Mesenteric Ischemia) 270
病例85 感染性結腸炎(Infectious COlitis) 274
病例86 急性闌尾炎(Acute Appendicitis) 277
病例87 Crohn氏病(Crohn Disease) 281
病例88 腸套疊(Intussusception) 285
病例89 腸積氣加上門脈積氣(Bowel Pneumatosis with Portal Venous Gas) 289
闌尾的惡性黏液囊腫加上腹膜偽黏液瘤(Malignant Mucocele of the Appendix with Pseudomyxoma
Peritonei) 293
病例91 憩室病(Diverticulosis) 296
乙狀結腸上皮腺癌加上肝轉移(Sigmoid Colon Adenocarcinoma with Hepatic Metastasis) 299
病例93 乙狀結腸瘜肉(Sigmoid Colonic Polyp) 302
病例94 潰瘍性腸炎(Ulcerative Colitis) 305
病例95 直腸癌加上腫瘤延伸至直腸周圍(Rectal Adenocarcinoma with Perirectal Extension of Tumor) 309
病例96 乙狀結腸淋巴癌(Lymphoma of the Sigmoid Colon) 312
家族性地中海型發燒之急性腹部侵襲(Acute Abdominal Attack in Familial Mediterranean Fever) 315
有柄狀構造的胃類癌,第三型(自發性亞型)(Pedunculated Gastric Carcinoid, Type III
〔Sporadic Subtype〕) 319
病例99 胃底部憩室(Gastric Fundal Diverticulum) 322
Gossypiboma (textiloma或存留體內之手術止血吸棉)(Gossypiboma (Textiloma or Retained
Surgical Sponge)) 325
病例101 Spigelian氏疝氣(Spigelian Hernia) 328
因掉落的膽結石產生肝臟下緣膿瘍(Subhepatic Abscess Secondary to Dropped Gallstones) 330
病例103 去分化的後腹腔脂肪肉瘤(Dedifferentiated Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma) 333
小腸類癌加上腸系膜轉移(Small bowel carcinoid with Mesenteric Metastases) 336
骨皮質旁軟骨肉瘤,與骨盆腔內臟器腫塊相似(Juxtacortical Chondrosarcoma Mimicking a
Pelvic Visceral Mass) 340
病例106 後腹腔淋巴管瘤(Retroperitoneal Lymphangioma) 343
病例107 轉移的脂肪肉瘤加上偽囊腫徵象(Metastatic Liposarcoma with Pseudocystic Sign) 346
病例108 薄霧狀腸系膜(Misty Mesentery) 349
因閉孔疝氣造成的小腸阻塞(Small Bowel Obstruction Secondary to Obturator Hernia) 351
病例110 多室性間皮(腹膜)包含囊腫(Multilocular Mesothelial (Peritoneal) Inclusion Cyst) 354
闌尾黏液囊腫續發之陶瓷樣闌尾(Porcelain Appendix Secondary to an Appendiceal Mucocele) 357
病例112 放射性腸炎(Radiation Enteritis) 360
病例113 後腹腔許旺細胞瘤(Retroperitoneal Schwannoma) 363
植物性糞石造成機械性小腸阻塞(Mechanical Small Bowel Obstruction Secondary to Phytobezoar) 366
病例115 梅克爾憩室破裂(Perforated Meckel Diverticulum) 368
病例116 局部網膜梗塞(Focal Omental Infarction) 372
病例117 前腹壁纖維樣瘤(Anterior Abdominal Wall Desmoid Tumor) 376
病例118 去分化型後腹腔脂肪肉瘤(Dedifferentiated Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma) 379
病例119 上腰部疝氣(Lumbar Hernia of Grynfeltt) 382
VIII 膀胱(Bladder)
病例120 膀胱結石(Bladder Stone) 385
病例121 產氣性膀胱炎(Emphysematous Cystitis) 388
病例122 血吸蟲病(Schistosomiasis) 391
病例123 膀胱疝氣(Urinary Bladder Hernia) 394
病例124 膀胱之脂肪瘤(Lipoma of the Urinary Bladder) 397
病例125 膀胱移形性細胞瘤(Transitional Cell Carcinoma) 399
病例126 臍尿管腺癌(Urachal Adenocarcinoma) 403
病例127 次發於憩室炎之結腸膀胱瘻管(Colovesical Fistula) 406
IX 骨盆—女性生殖器骨盆(Pelvis 〔Female Genital Pelvis〕)
病例128 尿道憩室(Urethral Diverticulum) 409
病例129 子宮肌腺症(Adenomyosls) 412
病例130 Gartner氏管囊腫 (Gartner Duct Cyst) 416
病例131 子宮肌瘤(Leiomyoma) 419
病例132 骨盆腔炎症合併輸卵管卵巢膿瘍(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Tubo-ovarian Abscess) 424
病例133 多囊性卵巢症候群(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) 428
病例134 妊娠滋養層疾病(Gestational Trophoblastic Disease) 432
病例135 子宮內膜瘤 (巧克力囊腫)(Endometrioma 〔Chocolate Cyst〕) 436
病例136 雙角子宮(Bicornuate Uterus) 440
病例137 卵巢皮樣囊腫繼發附屬器官扭轉(Adnexal Torsion Secondary to Ovarian Dermoid) 444
病例138 卵巢黏液性囊腺癌(Ovarian Mucinous Cystoadenocarcinoma) 447
病例139 子宮內膜癌(Endometrial Adenocarcinoma) 451
病例140 子宮頸癌(Cervical Carcinoma) 455
病例141 成熟囊性畸胎瘤(皮樣囊腫)(Mature Cystic Teratoma 〔Dermoid Cyst〕) 459
病例142 子宮頸淋巴瘤 (大B細胞濾泡型)(Cervical Lymphoma 〔Large B-Cell, Follicular Type〕) 462
IIX 骨盆—男性生殖器骨盆(Pelvis 〔Male Genital Pelvis〕)
病例143 隱睪症(Undescended Testis 〔Cryptorchidism〕) 465
病例144 節段性睪丸梗塞(Segmental Testicular Infarct) 468
左側睪丸惡性生殖細胞瘤伴隨轉移性後腹腔淋巴結腫大(Left Malignant Germ Cell Tumor of the
Testis with Metastatic Bulky Retroperitoneal Adenopathy) 471
病例146 左側睪丸外腺瘤樣瘤(Left Extratesticular Adenomatoid Tumor) 474
病例147 睪丸淋巴瘤(Testicular Lymphoma) 477
睪丸細石症伴隨左側睪丸多發性精母細胞瘤(Testicular Microlithiasis with Multifocal Seminoma in the Left Testis) 480
病例149 結核性副睪睪丸炎(Tuberculous Epididymo-Orchitis) 483
攝護腺癌伴隨有包膜外及儲精囊侵犯(Prostate Carcinoma with Extracapsular and Seminal Vesicle
Extension) 486
病例151 陰莖斷裂(Penile Fracture) 488
病例152 原發性攝護腺癌陰莖轉移(Penile Metastases from Primary Prostate Cancer) 490
病例153 睪丸網管樣擴張症(Tubular Ectasia of the Rete Testes) 492
病例154 骨盆腔動靜脈畸形(Pelvic Arteriovenous Malformation) 495
病例155 分化不全的精索脂肪肉瘤(Dedifferentiated Spermatic Cord Liposarcoma) 498
X 附錄(Appendixes )
一般腹部與骨盆腔掃描之64切電腦斷層作法(64-Slice Protocol for Routine Abdomen and Pelvic CT Scan)
雙相肝臟電腦斷層之64切電腦斷層作法(64-Slice Protocol for Dual-Phase Liver CT Scan) 503
評估血管瘤之64切電腦斷層作法(64-Slice CT Protocol for Evaluation of Hematuria) 506
胰臟癌電腦斷層之64切電腦斷層作法(64-Slice Protocol for Pancreatic CT Scan) 508
評估腎上腺腫瘤之64切電腦斷層作法(64-Slice CT Protocol for Evaluation of Adrenal Mass) 510
索引(Index) 513