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Success Through Opposites
$ 121
Success Through Opposites
作者:Muthuswamy N 
出版社:Muthuswamy N
樂天KOBO 樂天KOBO - 業務參考  - 來源網頁  
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:Success Through Opposites

Don’t we often wonder why our sincere, genuine, out of the heart and immense efforts result in failure? In other instances, we achieve unexpectedly large success with relative ease? Why, despite a modest educational background, do some individuals experience great business success or professional success, while some others, who are highly educated, do not? And why individuals after attaining name, fame and success in a given field fail in the same field?
My first finding was that factors outside our control do not play as significant a role in explaining our effectiveness and ineffectiveness, success and failures, as factors well within our control do. If we let the laws of energy- that are inviolable- function on and through us, we become effective and successful; on the other hand, if we block the laws of energy to operate on and through us, we block our own effectiveness and so success too. In other words, we are the main reason to become effective and successful; and we are the main reason to block our own effectiveness and success as well. So success is automatic, so to say, if only we do not block the energy laws from operating on and through us. That is why we strongly believe effectiveness and success is our birth-right – a human being is born to be effective and successful.
Are there a set of thought processes and actions that we can follow to become effective, and so successful? And I discovered that there are. We can follow these processes easily and become effective and successful. So effectiveness and success need not be as much a chance phenomenon as we think.
I explain how our understanding of and readiness to accept and put into practice one fundamental law of energy—“the law of opposites”— is the beginning of this chain of thought processes. I describe the recording process in our mind that begins in our early childhood, because of which most of us become a slave to one opposite and resist the other opposite and develop mental blocks to success. I explain in detail this continuing and unavoidable recording process that our mind experiences throughout our life, precluding the likelihood of success.
The fact of life is that any situation can come in front of us, and what situation comes up is not in our control. The only thing that is in our control is the response we give to the situation that has come in front of us. We cannot give the most appropriate response if our mind, loves one opposite and hates the other! If we cannot give the most appropriate response, we are ineffective and unsuccessful and therefore unhappy; but if we can, we are always happy as no situation, involving one opposite or the other, can deter us from giving the most appropriate response, emphatically and quick.
We become slaves to one of a given pair of opposites because of an unavoidable process of recording in our mind that starts as soon as we are born. We sincerely believe, human beings are born to be masters and not slaves to any one opposite of a pair of opposites! It is possible only if we use effective management skill to tune our mind, to put our mind in order and to become comfortable with both of any pair of opposites. This is possible through a path-breaking but simple process of vaccinating the mind, which the book “Success through Opposites” describes. This process puts all of us in a path to success. Such a tuned mind easily thinks in opposites- which is a pre-requisite for effectiveness and success. This book presents the science of happiness and the art of happiness and a certain method in the pursuit of happiness. It ends with a decision-making model that includes managerial decision making and personal decision making and problem solving decision making..
When we present new concept such as the one this book doeswe should resist the urge to present the concept too pre-maturely; we should present the concept only after putting the concept to thorough test in actual practice. I have done this.

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