On February 23, 2010, NXT debuted on a SyFy Channel as a reality show. It featured "NXT Rookies" being paired with "WWE Pros" in a largely ridiculous competition for a WWE title opportunity. I’m not going to cover much of the idiocy that was the show, but focus on the performers themselves.
On February 24, 2014 the WWE Network was launched. Three days later, developmental brand NXT re-debuted with the "NXT Arrival" special on that network. The new incarnation of the brand featured athletic competition and mostly coherent storytelling which helped to garner it a loud and loyal fan base. As WWE COO Paul "Triple H" Levesque is fond of pointing out, a large number of the current WWE roster is made up of former NXT Superstars. But how have those stars been treated on their advancement to the "main roster"? That is something this book will attempt to answer. Sometimes with my own opinion, sometimes with the proof that is before us. Either way, we’ll look at the good and the bad of NXT call ups. Possibly even with a look to the future. Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in this material are those of the author alone. You certainly have the right to disagree.