配備:學生本、Audio MP3、字彙表
1— 必學字彙/片語預習、暖身
2— 情境對話,搭配聽力MP3,宛如身歷其境,培養臨場聽力
3— 是非及選擇題,檢測理解程度
4— 字彙練習,多語境有效幫助記憶
5— 情境實用句型,搭配關鍵字替換,強化表達力
6— 對話選填練習,將句型融入情境,培養應答力
7— 描述事件練習,訓練醫護職場必備技能──「重述事件」
8— 聽寫分組練習,藉由角色扮演讓學生練習口說及聽寫
9— 摘要寫作,練習在融會理解文意後,用自己的話寫出重點
Nurses without Borders ESP series has two volumes, Basic and Intermediate, and is designed for students who have obtained a basic knowledge of English grammar – equivalent to ESL/EFL students in secondary schools. It is also intended to be a part of English for Special Purposes (ESP) programs, and can be easily adopted in professional schools. At Lynx, we help students expand their ability to serve and become “nurses without borders.”
Nurses without Borders, Basic consists of
lively communication based content
- created by registered nurses
- covering common clinical situations
- authentic dialogs
- integrated MP3 files
wide range of drill based exercises
thorough four-skill training
At Lynx, we wish you an enjoyable and rewarding semester!