Despite the melodramatic sounding title, this book tells the humor-laden story of four boys; three of whom must rescue the other from a boot camp, which he is sent to by his vindictive parents The task of busting Nathan out of boot camp proves to be a lot harder than the boys expect. Not only is there the problem of extricating their friend from the privately run facility for delinquent youth, but even if they succeed, what do they do once Nathan is free?
The bigger question, however, is why Nathan was sent to boot camp in the first place. He did a good thing in the eyes of many, yet his actions embarrass his parents. Nathan's parents disapprove of their son's behavior and since they have the power, they decide to take measures to reform him in order to put him back on the path of the righteous.
Nathan, Sam, Dustin, and Harrison pick up from where they left off in The Fake News. They have become internet celebrities due to their past exploits, but Nathan, rather than enjoying this newly achieved status, is punished. Will the boys be able to save Nathan from the boot camp and his vindictive parents? Why aren't there laws to protect Nathan from the abuse perpetrated by his parents? Is it possible to overcome the power of those who benefit from the prison-industrial complex?