適合程度:Pre-intermediate to Advanced 科技大學、大學英語演說、簡 報課程 配備:學生本、Audio MP3、教師手冊 連結測驗:TOEIC、TOEFL、GEPT、IELTS 專為國內大專院校、技職學院編寫的簡報英文課程,提供學生準備簡報時所需的技巧和詞彙。 本書分為兩個部份:第一部分為簡報技巧(包含如何準備、練習簡報、如何利用幻燈片或講義讓簡報加分、如何回應聽眾的問題等等),第二部分為簡報英文實用語句(如何說明主題、勾勒架構、承接段落、提示結尾等等的常用句型)。 提供簡報範例,供學生自行模擬練習。 Packed with authentic examples of presentations, Presentation Skills and Language offers a framework knowledge for preparing, practicing and performing English presentations, as well as the most commonly used presentation language. Presentation Skills and Language includes: Key concepts to make your presentation more effective Performance skills, including eye contact, voice and body language Preparing and practicing a presentation Information organization Design and use of slides and handouts Listening development tasks Systematic introduction of presentation language Analysis of frequent language errors Practice activities and micro-presentation tasks