Purpose Driven Paycheck is a collection of inspiring stories from individuals who have overcome fear and obstacles to follow their passion when it comes to their work.
This anthology is here to encourage and inspire you to find your purpose in your work, business, or career while giving you tangible tips and advice from people who forged the way.
The book’s mantra is, "Follow your passion and purpose, and success will surely follow."
Join the founder, Gina Redzanic, as well as 17 other amazing authors in Purpose Driven Paycheck:
- Christina Motta
- Lacey Broocke
- Colleen Paul-Hus
- Nichole Rea
- Rebecca Mancini
- Tiffany and Marco Conde
- Jacqueline Long
- Teri Nolan
- Stacey Duncan
- Sarah Dean
- Mary Sorobey
- Debbie Worthington
- Krystan Samaniego
- Elizabeth LeConey
- Mike Gostola and Carla Shaw
- Jessika Fielder
- Angela Bell