What do you do after saving a far-off realm from evil? Evie tried to return to her old life but felt out of place back on Earth. Her time on Moonstar had changed her, her potential as a Sorceress and Sword seemed lost for good. Her old life as an advertising executive in London was almost insignificant in comparison. But there is no way she can return to Moonstar, or is there?
After 18 years, the visions start and her hopes of seeing Moonstar again grow. Then one night she is teleported back to the land she loved so much. But Moonstar is not the land she remembered. The land had changed and its people were in despair. What happened to the Moonstar she had saved from evil? She needed to find out why she was brought back, but first, she had to find the friends she had left behind. What evil will she have to face to save the land she loved so much?