Byang Kato grew up in Nigeria in a family devoted to juju, a religion of magic and superstition. Although from a young age he planned to become a juju priest, his encounter with missionaries and the gospel changed that. In this book, Simonetta Carr tells how the young, eager Byang devoted himself to learning about Jesus and sharing Him with others. Read about how God used him to pastor churches, train people in Bible schools, and encourage people far and wide with his writings. Through Byang Kato’s leadership, many people in Africa and on other continents have learned to find their true identity in Christ.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1--Entering the Boat of Salvation
Chapter 2--More Than a Shirt
Chapter 3--Student and Leader
Chapter 4--For the African Church
Chapter 5--Leaving a Strong Message
Time Line
Did You Know?
Words from Kato