Angela C. Green was born and raised in the city of Camden, N.J. Her life as a child had experienced many heartaches, setbacks, and defeats. Sadly enough as an adult Angela began to play out these same experiences throughout her adult life. By the age of 23yrs old she became a single mother to 5 children attaining only a high school diploma and a few years of a choppy college education. Angela has always been hopeful and prayerful throughout every hardship she’s experienced; but this time prayer as she knew it wasn’t working. Life as she knew it began to spin completely out of control. During this time of her life she became a victim of domestic violence, rape, and endured homelessness with her 5 children. She battled seasons of depression and anxiety with nowhere to go but into a deeper pit of sadness. One early morning God called her into His presence and a supernatural experience took place; the rest is history. By the power of God Angela came to the realization that her mindset had been killing her! It had to change which meant she had to change! No more excuses and no more running from the truth! Angela now resides in Atlanta, Ga where she has has built a life on faith in prayer. Angela’s commitment to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Yahweh, is her passion. Serving the people of God brings her indescribable joy and peace. Currently under the direction of God, the Father, she is writing three books and is the Founder and CEO of Angela C. Green Ministries, LLC. She credits these recent achievements to obedience and submission to the will of God. Angela believes by accepting your past, as being your past you will begin to identify with your life’s spiritual DNA; your life’s purpose through prayer. Developing a lifestyle of prayer is the key to living a fulfilled life. Today that is her message.