"Gone for a Sojer Boy" is a companion book to "Echoes from the Boys of Company H" and is based upon hundreds of letters from a few Civil War soldiers of Company H, 100th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. They provide rare insight into the life and thoughts of common solders. This volume explores the changes the "boys" experienced during their time of service. Both camp life and battles are reviewed and serve to trace and explain the evolution of their opinions about important aspects of a soldier's life: namely, death, politics, and religion. These young men were ordinary human beings who were rendered extraordinary by their experience.
"This rich collection of Civil War letters presents a colorful, illuminating portrait of common soldiers serving their country." Edward Longacre, author of more than 20 books on the Civil War
"I found this remarkable book to be a fascinating and unique telling of a soldier's story. The exhaustive work and research done by Neal Wixson to put letters and diaries together was only matched by his passion to tell of his great-grandfather's war experience. The qualities of work by the author, the unique story of soldiers in their own words, make this a truly superb work of military history. It has my highest endorsement." General Anthony C. Zinni USMC (retired)
"The letters of soldiers, written to their loved ones at home, reveal in plain, uncluttered language the details of the daily life of the soldier. The voice of the common soldier provides an intimate, personal view that is devoid of the posturing of politicians and officers. Neal Wixson has lovingly edited the letters into a poignant journey through this painful chapter of our nation's history." Jeff Toalson, Civil War author and lecturer
A great-grandson of Thomas Maharg of Company H, Neal E. Wixson earned a B.A. from Oberlin College and a J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law. He is member of the Williamsburg Civil War Roundtable and the 100th Regiment's Veterans Association. He and his wife reside in Virginia.