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$ 1482 | A Discourse of Standing Armies; Shewing the Folly, Uselesness [sic], and Danger of Standing Armies in Great Britain. By Cato. The Third Edition
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 40頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 社會科學總論
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$ 1482 | The Plain Man’s Path-way to Heaven; Directing Every man how he may be Saved. The Sixty-third Edition Corrected and Amended
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 26頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1647 | Hymns for Children, and Others of Riper Years. The Third Edition
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 86頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教音樂
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$ 1647 | A Short Discourse Concerning Pestilential Contagion, and the Methods to be Used to Prevent it. By Richard Mead, ... The Third Edition
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 70頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 1647 | The Desideratum: Or, Electricity Made Plain and Useful. By a Lover of Mankind, and of Common Sense. The Third Edition
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 74頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 1647 | An Earnest Appeal to men of Reason and Religion. By John Wesley, ... The Third Edition
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 56頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1702 | The Rudiments of the French Tongue: Or, an Easy and Rational Introduction to French Grammar. ... By Lewis Chambaud. The Third Edition, Corrected
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 144頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.97 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 語言學總論
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$ 1702 | The Conjurer Unmasked; Being a Clear and Full Explanation of all the Surprizing Performances Exhibited in This Kingdom, ... The Third Edition, With La
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 148頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.97 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 現代史
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$ 1702 | The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved. By James Otis, Esq. The Third Edition, Corrected
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 124頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.79 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 法律總論
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$ 1702 | An Essay on the Proportions of Eclipse. By Charles Vial de Sainbel, ... Third Edition
作者:Vial De Sainbel
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 140頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.97 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 1757 | The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes; Otherwise Called, Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes. ... The Third Edition
作者:Multiple Contributors
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 162頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.12 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 語言學總論
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$ 1757 | A Collection of English Words not Generally Used. With Their Significations and Original, in two Alphabetical Catalogues. ... The Third Edition, Augme
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 156頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.12 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 語言學總論
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