Historical Fiction set against a backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis
In the autumn of 1962, Cheryl Donovan falls in love with an Army pilot. But all is not right with the world. President Kennedy announces that the Soviet Union has deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba, and they’re aimed at the United States. As the world teeters on the brink of nuclear war, Cheryl can’t be sure she’ll even wake up tomorrow.
It seems like the stars are aligned against her as she faces one crisis after another. She discovers that the handsome pilot she’s falling for thinks a woman’s place is in the home, which won’t do at all. An overheard conversation puts her in the sights of a dangerous criminal. Her best friend Tina has been keeping a secret that makes Cheryl question whether she’s been cavalier about their friendship. And a good buddy from high school has a secret of his own that confuses her about one of her most important decisions.
With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Cheryl is pulled in different directions as she tries to remain true to her heart.
The October That Changed Everything is a story of love, friendship, family and courage.