Due to the strong presence of freemasonry in philanthropic and political issues in Santa Catarina, the proposed investigation is to analyse the roots of freemasonry in the state, addressing the theme of freemasonry as a propagator of liberal ideals. A historical path will be travelled from the emergence of Freemasonry as a direct participant in Brazilian political decisions and, as the main topic of this work, its influence on the construction of Santa Catarina’s political culture. The aim is to analyse the Masonic influence in the construction and defence of liberal thought in Brazil, as well as in the historical development of the state of Santa Catarina. As one of the great vehicles for spreading liberalism, Freemasonry played a clear and explicit role in the political issues that shaped the state of Santa Catarina. Studying Freemasonry, its influence, implications and importance in the historical context is of the utmost importance for analysing the formation of Santa Catarina’s politics. In this way, this research aims to be a contribution to Santa Catarina’s political and cultural history, as well as the beginning of new studies in this expressively controversial and thought-provoking area.