Have you been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Do you have a potentially ground-breaking idea? Are you contemplating starting your own business? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then you've already taken the first step.
The second step is the Idea Tester. Contrary to popular belief, writing a business plan isn't the best gauge of your dream's success; it's the second best. If you want to know if your dream will fly, put it to the test.
This revolutionary process will thoroughly evaluate your dream's feasibility. The Idea Tester will help you to determine if your dream will fly and it will give you the confidence to move forward. From engineers to hairdressers, from graphic designers to programmers - no matter your occupation, the Idea Tester will help you along the path to independent success. It will change the way you view your ideas
The Idea Tester will run your dream through three major steps:
* Is the idea marketable?
* Is it profitable? * Does it make sense for you?
It is designed to give you quick results and to speak your language. It will help you to clearly define your ideas, and to quickly realize your dreams.