■ 第一本具有革命性創新與突破意義的雅思備考教材。
■ 廣受包括中國著名的海外學習教師徐小平和楊繼等在內的整個英語培訓界的認可和好評。
■ “本書是英語口語培訓的一大突破。”
第一部分:針對Part 1部分的20種高分公式
第二部分:針對Part 2部分的4種高分公式
第三部分:針對Part 3部分的7種高分公式
■ 書中所提到的雅思備考學習方法具有革命性的創新和突破,並且正在受到包括中國著名的海外學習教師徐小平和楊繼等在內的整個英語培訓界的認可和好評。
■ 本書指導學生運用西方人的思維方式回答問題,只要熟記並使用書中的31種高分公式來應對,無論遇到什麼樣的話題,都可輕鬆回答所有雅思口語考試題型。
Jonathan Palley
Adrian Li
Oliver Davies
Overview of the IELTS Speaking Test 雅思口說考試概覽
How to Study the 31 High-Scoring Formulas如何學習31種雅思口試高分必背公式
Part One 第一部分
Introduction to Part One Formulas 第一部分高分公式介紹
Formula 1: Do you prefer X or Y?
Formula 2: What do you usually/normally do (on a typical day)?
Formula 3: What do you like to do (in your spare time)?
Formula 4: What do you dislike about X?
Formula 5: How often do you do X?
Formula 6: What do you like most about X?
Formula 7: Is X popular (in your country)?
Formula 8: What is the best time (of year) to do X?
Formula 9: Why do some people like X?
Formula 10: When was the first/last time you did X?
Formula 11: Did you ever learn to do X?
Formula 12: How has X changed in recent years?
Formula 13: How would you improve X?
Formula 14: How important is X?
Formula 15: What do you hope to do (in the future)?
Formula 16: Do enough people do X?
Formula 17: How can people find out about X?
Formula 18: Should people be given X?
Formula 19: Is it difficult to do X?
Formula 20: Is X suitable for (types of people)?
Identifying Formulas: Part 1 Exercise 辨識高分公式:第一部分練習
Identifying Formulas: Part 1 Answer Key辨識高分公式:第一部分答案
Part Two 第二部分
Introduction to Part Two Formulas 第二部分高分公式介紹
Formula 21: Person Monologue
Stage 1: Say who they are and how you know them
Stage 2: Say what they are like, what they do
Stage 3: Say what they have achieved, how they have influenced you
Stage 4: Say why they are special, how you feel about them
Formula 22: Place Monologue
Stage 1: Say what it is and where it is
Stage 2: Say what it looks like
Stage 3: Say what its purpose is
Stage 4: Say why it is special, how you feel about it
Formula 23: Object Monologue
Stage 1: Say what it is and why you have it
Stage 2: Say what its purpose is
Stage 3: Evaluate it
Stage 4: Say why it is important, how you feel about it
Formula 24: Past Event Monologue
Stage 1: Say what it was and when it happened
Stage 2: Say why it happened, where it happened and who was there
Stage 3: Say what happened
Stage 4: Say why the event was special and how you feel/felt about it…
Identifying Formulas: Part 2 Exercise辨識高分公式:第二部分練習
Identifying Formulas: Part 2 Answer Key 辨識高分公式:第二部分答案
Part Three 第三部分
Introduction to Part Three Formulas 第三部分高分公式介紹
Formula 25: Giving & Supporting Opinions
Formula 26: Evaluating Two Different Opinions
Formula 27: Agreeing & Disagreeing
Formula 28: Talking About Advantages & Disadvantages
Formula 29: Assessing Degree of Importance or Priority
Formula 30: Proposing Solutions to Problems
Formula 31: Speculating About Future Events & Outcomes
Identifying Formulas: Part 3 Exercise辨識高分公式:第三部分練習
Identifying Formulas: Part 3 Answer Key 辨識高分公式:第三部分答案
Verbs Commonly Misused by IELTS Candidates 雅思考生易混淆的動詞
Top 10 ‘Do’s & ‘Don’t’s for the IELTS Speaking Test 雅思口語考試的「十要」和「十不要」
Answer Key 練習答案
Overview of the IELTS Speaking Test 雅思口說考試概覽
How to Study the 31 High-Scoring Formulas如何學習31種雅思口試高分必背公式
Part One 第一部分
Introduction to Part One Formulas 第一部分高分公式介紹
Formula 1: Do you prefer X or Y?
Formula 2: What do you usually/normally do (on a typical day)?
Formula 3: What do you like to do (in your spare time)?
Formula 4: What do you dislike about X?