This book is a fountain of practical and proactive wisdom, proffering measures to probable mistakes that most single ladies make that affect their lives negatively.
It covers all the major aspects of a single lady’s life, with keen guides on the best steps to becoming a super woman.This book will also help you to overcome marital delays as a result of personal ignorance and character deficiency that could be a turn-off for genuine suitors. Prevent you from entering into a wrong relationship and a wrong marriage, by unveiling the deceptive techniques that some men employ when they are after you for selfish interest. Also your moral choices, values and personal hygiene will be enhaced, bringing you to an inestimable virtuous life. Your relationship with God will be boosted to be able to navigate your path to a fulfilled destiny amongst others. The best thing you could ever do is to read this book and recommend it to others to be a blessing to their lives too.