The path to a more fraternal world, as proclaimed in the French Revolution, is not limited to the Liberalism of Liberty, nor to the Communism of Equality of the Revolutionary banner, nor to equity alone, nor to free will alone, either. The combination of these will always be dependent on fraternity, which has always sounded dangerous to those in apparently antagonistic positions, when in fact the third vertex is missing: FRATERNITY itself. Solidarity, safely allied to fairness and free will, can form the basis for closing the cycle of the French Revolution. As the debates evolved, what became clearer was that the ends justify the means, hence the corruptions, etc. The real pendency of the apex and fraternal path in this work brings Solidarity as an ally of this path in a gentlemanly and safe way. Hence ACTIVE VIRTUOUS SOLIDARITY, to help in the pedagogisation of politics, as a Management and Support Technology.