In a world where human DNA has been deactivated to suppress the memory of cosmic origins, an extraterrestrial race of Reptilians have gained frequency control over the human mind and planetary fields. As Earth regresses into chaos and tyranny, rocking the very matrix of the universe, other extraterrestrial beings from far and wide in the galaxy come to assist humanity and the planet in an unprecedented transitional shift to a new frequency and an accelerated evolutionary path.
They can only do this however, with the awakening and cooperation of a certain key number of humans, acting in their true nature as conduits of Light capable of transducing and transmitting vital light codes from the cosmos back to the planet, and stimulating the activation of dormant human DNA and human consciousness.
As Dark overwhelms Light in an escalating battle of frequencies where humanity itself is held ransom, the Pleiadians take bold initiative to open portals on Earth that will increase the intake of Light codes. This story follows their role as overseer as they guide three human lightbearers related in a mother-daughter trilogy to activate a triangulated portal on the western coast of Australia. With time of the essence, their only hope is to span dimensional planes to fulfil such a task of cosmic proportion.