An intriguing adult fiction love story about a man who was forced by his father during his childhood to become a professional rugby player like his grandfather. And one night he became nudged by a dream, that shifted him towards true love and many outnumbered life threatening issues that dragged him closer to the edge of death. 'A wonderful breathtaking novel embellished in a tempting magical way that each page I reached was pulling my strings to continue reading ahead. I have never been this attentive for ages, but this novel captured my attention and it made me visualize everything in my mind like I was amongst all his amazing characters.' RAWAN ALSEBEA, KUWAIT, MIDDLE EAST 'OMG When I started reading your novel, I didn't want your story to end. I couldn't put it down, not even a second, I was curiously dying to know how the story ended. I want to read more about how the main character overcame his struggles. I can't wait to read the second session of the story because this story somehow reflects to my current situations.' AIMY MILEDY, NEW YORK CITY