Barbie Schuchart-Carlisle’s Life’s Journey, which has been her life’s mission and calling in sharing God’s Love. It is because of her journey in her life as you will read in, "My Path of Faith," she has founded "My Hand in His Ministry." This Ministry is dedicated to the restoration of the broken through the healing work of Jesus Christ. She would love to hear how "My Path of Faith" has helped you or someone that you love in your healing or finding His Love along your Journey. Please contact her through her website at or Email at It is her life mission and calling and she would love to connect with you. Additionally, you can also reach her through the above if you would like to express an interest in having her speak at a gathering you are hosting. It would not matter if your group were two or 200, she only prays so much to share His hope, grace, and love so all my experience His Glory!