Who is TW Walker? Unknowingly at the time, I began my quest for "Superherodom" at the early age of three when I was opening struck by a speeding car and not expected to see another day. But I guess I was a budding young Superhero from the git go because even that didn’t get me! Donning a full body cast instead of a cape for the next nine months of rehabilitation and recuperation, I was forced to use my imagination instead of my legs to play and never lost my ability to use it from that day forward. Heavily influenced by the teachings of Napoleon Hill after reading Think And Grow Rich at the age of 18, I have been a business owner since the age of 23. While building and selling multiple businesses in my twenties, I also published a humorous comic strip. As the son of a Sam Walton disciple, I then became a small business consultant for more than a decade teaching retailers from all over the world how to liquidate assets for high profit. Frequently receiving high five and six figure fees for his advice, my little "empire" also includes speaking, coaching, publishing, and direct sales. Today, as a motivational speaker, author, and entrepreneur, I entertain audiences with my keen wit, humorous stories, and observations I’ve made while working with coaching and consulting clients, or my global team. With my humorous approach to some of life’s most daunting obstacles people face in life, I remind audiences of all ages, through my unique Expand Your CAPE-ability(R) talks, private coaching programs, and inner circle masterminds, that the sleeping super powers lying within everyone to achieve success are ready to be awoken. Expand YOUR CAPE-ability(R) to achieve Superhero Success in your life and business! For tons of awesome content from more than 2 decades of failures, mishaps, adventures...and successes, visit www.TWWalker.com. There you can get my FREE 14-day video training and ebook: How To Become A Network Marketing Superhero And Go From Part Time Income To Lifestyle Freedom!