The Author was born in November 1929 in Bournemouth, England and from age of 4 spent his life in boarding schools as his parents were colonials in West Africa. His interest in philosophy grew during the War years, while still at school. After a brief period of school-mastering, he became a salesman, eventually ending up for 2 years in California, where he married an Air Hostess for TWA. Returned to England he continued in Sales till retirement at 64. He was then inspired by The Great Global Warming Swindle to examine the claims and counter-claims of the Warmist/Alarmists and the Sceptics. With three children all grown-up and through University he has had a virtual 7 year course on Climate with several well-known scientists as his personal trainers. His take on Climate is purely from a logical and philosophical angle, as he poses questions to his mentors from a typically layman point of view.