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$ 1482 | The Most Useful way of Preaching. A Letter to a Friend. Written in German by ... Augustus Hermannus Franck, ... Translated Into Latin ... and out of t
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 38頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1482 | The Half-way Covenant. A Dialogue. By Joseph Bellamy, D.D. [Four Lines of Scripture Texts]
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 20頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1647 | The Radix. A new way of Making Logarithms. This Rule, by one Hundred Logarithms, Constructs the Logarithms to all Numbers, From 1 to 10000000000000000
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 84頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 1647 | An Hieroglyphic key to Natural and Spiritual Mysteries, by way of Representations and Correspondences. Translated From the Latin of the Hon. Emanuel S
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 88頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 歷史總論
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$ 1647 | The Church Catechism Explain’d, by way of Question and Answer; and Confirm’d by Scripture Proofs: Divided Into Five Parts, and Twelve Sections. ... Co
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 100頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.79 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1757 | Instructions for Children: Or, the Child’s and Youth’s Delight. Teaching an Easy way to Spell and Read True English. ... Written by B. Keach, ...
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 162頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.12 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 語言學總論
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$ 1867 | The Schoolmaster: Or, a Plain and Perfect way of Teaching Children to Understand, Write, and Speak the Latin Tongue. By Roger Ascham, ..
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 282頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.75 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 社會科學總論
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$ 1922 | A View of the State of Ireland as it was in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of Dialogue Between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. T
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 332頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.91 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 社會風俗
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$ 1922 | A Voyage to Arabia the Happy, by the way of the Eastern Ocean, and the Streights of the Red-Sea: Perform’d by the French for the First Time, A.D. 1708
作者:De La Roque
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 334頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.91 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 現代史
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$ 2032 | The way to Christ Discovered. By Jacob Behmen. In These Treatises. 1. Of True Repentence. ... 4. Of the Super-rationall Life. Also, the Discourse of I
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 352頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 2.06 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 2142 | A Compendious View of the Grounds of the Teutonick Philosophy. With Considerations by way of Enquiry Into the Subject Matter, and Scope of the Writing
作者:Gentleman Retired from Business
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 410頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 2.39 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 2197 | New Travels Into the Interior Parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1783, 84 and 85. Translated From the French of Le Vai
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 502頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 2.69 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 現代史
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| 作者:學習樹研究發展總部 出版社:五南圖書出版股份有限公司 出版日期:2018-05-28 66折: $ 396 | | 66折: $ 231 | | 66折: $ 660 | | 作者:施教麟 出版社:五南圖書出版股份有限公司 出版日期:2016-01-25 66折: $ 211 | |
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