Foreordinations: Fulfilling our End-Time Missions for Jesus Christ serves several purposes. (1) It aims to facilitate The Great Awakening through the great tribulation era and on into the early stages of the 1,000-year Millennium. (2) It is a personal ascension how-to manual, providing tools to help us recognize where we are in our journey and what to do to progress to the next level. (3) Specific sacred doctrines of Christ are accentuated and clarified. New, wondrous, and deeper concepts are also presented for discerning spiritual eyes and inquiring minds. (4) It is intended to pave the way for the coming forth of the extensive series of books entitled The Family of Christ. (5) The final step is to have the courage and conviction to go forth, take action, and implement the new concepts learned. After all, what could possibly be more important than discovering the will of God and then doing it with courage and full purpose of heart?
Discernment as a spiritual gift must be applied as you read. The admonition found in Doctrine & Covenants 9 is wonderfully appropriate: study, ponder, then pray and ask Father if these things are true. To take the time and effort to acquire confirmations of the truthfulness of any given concept from a minimum of three separate sources (such as The Holy Ghost, The Father, The Savior, or a trusted and seasoned mentor) is crucial to the proper implementation of the GIFT OF DISCERNMENT.Foreordinations does not speak for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or its presiding brethren. Your personal stories, visions, recommendations, corrective suggestions, prayerful insights, or reviews (with permission to print them if you wish) are always welcomed.