Charlyce Simmons is a grateful young woman bursting with life everyday. She resides in Orlando, Fl with her husband, Alonzo Simmons and their dog, Sandy. Her early life was filled with joy, but suddenly this anointed vessel had a price to pay for the great anointing on her life. Charlyce takes you on her journey to “Yes” starting at birth until present. She details the life changing events she had to go through to get her to completely surrender to Christ. Although she received Christ at an early age, she still had not totally surrendered all of herself. Throughout her journey she never gave up on God and his promises for her life. She details the ups and downs, pain and growth of 3 separate health issues, which could have resulted in death. She trusted God and He showed up and turned her life around for His glory. God not only granted her a miracle, but he allowed her to get up and be a Miracle. She now knows her Purpose and is concerned only with loving people and fulfilling God’s plans for her life. Charlyce is a well respected artist in Orlando, and can be found on many projects with artists such as: Larue Howard, Madelyn Berry, Meka King, Matt Shenk, C.Lajuan Adams, and many more. “We all have a story to tell and a different road to travel, so share your story with someone and encourage them today.” – Charlyce