圖書名稱:Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, 4/e (P) Book + CD-ROM
內容簡介 2001年才推出第三版的Collins Cobuild English Dictionary,為收錄更多的新辭彙,相隔兩年即推出第四版,增加最佳的使用功能。書林為鼓勵以英英字典學習的讀者,特別提供免費至英國參加英語進修課程為大獎,希望這本新版上市、收錄超過75,000個例句,並增加字根及字首的輔助,有利於學習的英英字典,能受惠更多的讀者。 Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary第四版內容更完善,增錄數百個新字彙和上千個新定義,總共收錄超過110,000個字彙、片語和定義,搭配光碟(同時適用於PC與MAC),易學易用。除此之外,採用雙色編排,以粗體突顯特定的片語結構,新增英語格式範例,幫助讀者在寫作、商業書信往來、履歷撰寫…等方面運用,也新增各式常用生活居家單字,極具使用價值。 Collins Cobuild English Dictionary 第一版於1987年問世,是英語詞典編輯史上的一大盛事,對詞典編輯與英語教學的影響,可以說是既深且遠。它所收錄的詞彙與解釋均根據Collins 首創,世界上最龐大、最權威,超過五億筆語料的英文語料庫(Bank of English)。係以母語人士在口語、廣播、電視、書報及文章中所欲傳達的意思來加以歸納描述,因此無論詞彙的解釋、例句的說明、用法的交代都有客觀的依據,對英語教學者與學習者而言,更有無與倫比的價值。
Product Description: The fourth edition of this dictionary offers learners of English detailed coverage of the language. Containing hundreds of new words and thousands of definitions written in simple, natural English, it is easy to use and understand. The examples, which have all been taken from the Bank of English, have been revised and updated for this edition, and are valuable in providing context for words and phrases. Grammatical information and additional information on synonyms, pragmatics and frequency is shown in the "Extra Column", making it easily accessible. New to this fourth edition is the identification of thousands of set grammatical structures, particularly useful to learners of English. In addition, it includes useful illustrations covering a range of topics and "Access to English" - a supplement containing hundreds of practical phrases helping with important structures in areas such as essay-writing, business correspondence and job applications.
作者: HarperCollins
出版社: HarperCollins UK