This book provides a comprehensive account of community newspapers in India discussing their reach, practices, management and influence on communities.
It focuses on the core characteristics associated with community media, such as access and participation, advocacy and self-management among other. With the help of detailed case studies of two established newspapers - Khabar Lahariya and Namaskar, the book highlights the unique aspects of their rhizomatic expansion and the practices for social change. By examining their manifestations and metamorphosis, the book shows how community media is fluid and evolves with time owing to diverse motivations. The author also examines themes such as media democracy and citizens engagement; role of alternative media and the diversity of practices and profiles to highlight the relevance, identity and purpose of alternative media in general and community newspapers in particular.
This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of media studies, journalism and mass communication, political studies, development studies, law and South Asian studies. It will also be useful to NGOs and CSOs working in the areas of community engagement, social development and empowerment, and literacy.