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david s. nivison

竹書紀年解謎The Riddle of the Bamboo Annals
$ 1099 ~ 1135
竹書紀年解謎The Riddle of the Bamboo Annals
作者:倪德衛(David S. Nivison) 
出版社:Airiti Press(華藝數位經銷)
語言:英文   規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 21*27.94 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
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圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:


  This book is the result of discoveries made by Nivison beginning in 1979, It uses critically (without superseding) his monographs from 1983 through 2002, combined with his discoveries through 2008. Its main thrust is to show that the methods and results of the PRC “Three Dynasties Project” are invalid, and that recovering chronology before 841 BCE can be solved only by using the supposedly spurious Jinben Zhushu Jinian (“Modern Text” Bamboo Annals), combined with hypothesis that reign lengths of record were normally the years after completion of mourning for the preceding king. Part One presents resulting exact dates form the beginning of Xia, confirmed by discoveries in astronomy by D. W. Pankenier and Kevin Pang. Part Two criticizes the Three-years Dynasties Project and argues for the post-mourning hypothesis and the high antiquity of the three-years mourning institution. In Part Three, applying a discovery by E. L. Shaughnessy, the author reconstructs the first 303 bamboo strips of the original Bamboo Annals text (perhaps five-sevenths of the whole). In so doing he shows that the entire chronology in the Zhushu jinian is the product of Warring States manipulation of the true chronology; therefore any attempt to recover accurate dates must begin by analyzing the “Modern” Zhushu jinian – which the Project ignored completely. Appendices present more data and analysis, notably (Appendix 4) pinpointing the source of the Project’s errors in dating late Shang events.


David S. Nivison(倪德衛)

  Born in Maine, U.S.A., in 1923, David Shepherd Nivison was educated at Harvard: AB summa cum laude 1946, PhD 1953. His teachers included J. Robert. Hightower, John K. Fairbank and William Hung (Hong Ye). During the War he served in the Army translating Japanese.  From 1984 on, he taught at Stanford University. In the 1950’s he collaborated in publishing with Arthur F, Wright. In 1954-55 he was a Fulbright Fellow in Kyoto, Japan. His best known book is The Life and Thought of Chang Hsueh-ch’eng (Zhang Xuecheng), 1966, awarded the Prix Stanislaus-Julien in Paris in 1967. His studies of late Shang and early Zhou inscriptions began informally with his friend David N. Keightley (Professor of History, University of California at Berkeley) in 1971. He was a Guggenheim Fellow at Oxford in 1973. In 1980 he was president of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association. Other professional memberships include the Association for Asian Studies, the American Oriental Society (president, Western Branch, 1971-72), the Society for the Study of Early China and the International Academy of Chinese Culture (Beijing). Nivison retired from Stanford in 1988 as Water Y. Evans-Wentz Professor of Oriental Philosophies, Religions and Ethics. Several of his publications have been republished in Chinese: two translations of his book on Zhang Xuecheng (2003), a book of essays on Chinese philosophy (The Ways of Confucianism (1996), in 2006), and a major of monograph on chronology (1999, translation by Shao Dongfang, 2002). His students include major scholars in the United States and in the Far East. Nivison has published more than sixty professional papers.



3 Preface (2007)
7 Introduction (2007)

Part One: Recovery of Information from the Bamboo Annals
15 Chapter One The Date of the Zhou Conquest of Shang (1997)
27 Attachment 1: The Myth of the Preliminary Campaign (2007)
31 Astrology of the Conquest Campaign (2007)
35 Chapter Two Chronology of the Three Dynasties (2000)
53 Attachment: The 853 Problem (2007)

Part Two: The Challenge of the Three Dynasties Project (1996-2000)
59 Introduction to Part Two
63 Chapter Three Getting the Dates Right: the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project
72 Criticism of the Sandai Project "Brief Report" (2000)
75 Chapter Four The Three Dynasties Chronology Project: Two Approaches to Dating
81 Chapter Five The H. G. Creel Lecture (University of Chicago 2002):
“The Three Years Mourning Institution and the Chronology of Ancient China”
101 Chapter Six “Zai Tan” (written for international conference on chronology, set for Oct ‘03, suspended): a plea for a conference on the Bamboo Annals

Part Three: Recovery of the Strip Text of the Bamboo Annals
113 Introduction to Part Three
115 Chapter Seven Recovery of Strip Text (AAS April 2006)
123 Chapter Eight Strip Text, Huang Di through Jin Wu Gong (2006)
177 Chapter Nine Evolution of Chronology and Text (2006)
193 Appendix 1: Sandai Science Survey (2000)
209 Appendix 2: Material Supporting “Two Approaches to Dating” (2002)
219 Appendix 3: Proposed Absolute Dates for Fully Dated Bronzes (2007)
229 Appendix 4: The Late Shang Ritual Cycle (2007 and 2008)

261 Bibliography
275 Index



  Equally versed in early classical texts, oracle bone and bronze inscriptions, archaeology as well as astronomy, professor Nivison has devoted the last 30 years to a reconstruction of Chinese chronology in high antiquity. Taking as his point of departure the authenticity of the “Modern Text” Bamboo Annals, an assumption diametrically opposite to the long received view, his approach had not only been revolutionary but also proved to be methodologically more fruitful in riddle-solving. The present volume, written almost wholly from 2000 to 2007, therefore represents what is called “the final conclusions arrived at late in life” (wannian dinglun 晚年定論) in the Chinese scholarly tradition. This book is also a vivid testimonial to its author’s moral and intellectual integrity as a scholar in defense of historical truth. In questioning the validity of the Chinese statesponsored “Three Dynasties Chronology Project” in a most serious manner, Professor Nivison has exercised the critical power of a historian to its highest possible degree. As a result his courageous fight for the purity of scholarship has not only won the support of many leading specialists of the field but also evoked, through Chinese translation, a widespread sympathetic response from the general reading public in China.

Ying-shih Yu, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University
美國普林斯頓大學退休教授 余英時


Li Chen, Deputy Director of the National Library of the PRC
中華人民共和國國家圖書館副館長 陳力

  Since 1979, a full thirty years and more, Professor David S. Nivison has been dissecting the “Modern Text” of the Bamboo Annals (Jinben Zhushu Jinian). He has applied a broad battery of analytical techniques to the data in the text, and he has been relentless in his efforts to correlate the dates in the Bamboo Annals with materials from historical, inscriptional, and astronomical sources. Nivison’s decades-long dedication to this task has resulted in a succession of publications that have been carefully scrutinized by scholars around the world. Their criticisms have resulted in increasing refinements by Nivison. The entire process of discovery, discussion, and elaboration is now assembled in The Riddle of the Bamboo Annals, which constitutes a major contribution to the dating of events before 841 BC.

Victor H. Mair, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature,
Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations,
University of Pennsylvania



  • ISBN:9789868518216
  • 叢書系列: 歷史學研究系列
  • 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 21 x 27.94 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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