This translation has been developed from the fifth edition (2005) of the Authors’ German text, "Kostengünstig Entwickeln und Konstruieren". The discussion on the methods of cost reduction and cost-driven design draw heavily on the "S- tematic Method of Design", the development of which is described in German language literature of the past several decades. An English language edition 1 [Pah05] of a classic text is available. In this approach, the design process is - vided into the phases of task clarification, concept development, preliminary - sign (embodiment) and the detailed layout. Design forms the core of the co- dinated process of modern product development, known under the rubric of Concurrent Engineering. This book stresses the collaboration of the different - partments in a company, which is essential for the development of reliable and low-cost products. The first edition was a best seller for a number of years. Eventually, as the fields developed, a second edition came out in 1998. The development of methods (a major portion of that from the research in the authors’ Institute, ) as well as the demand for the book, led to the third, fourth and fifth editions appearing in quick succession. It was the first book that, with a scientific approach, showed the c- nection between design, production processes and the product costs. This provided the basis for cost-driven product design. The overriding goal in preparing this translation was to convey the ideas of the authors as closely as possible.