If the foundation be destroyed, what will the righteous do? (Psalm 11: 3). Every institution, life, building, and organization has a foundation. The Bible says that a foolish man built his house on the sand, and when storm, flood and wind came against it, it fell and great was its fall. A wise man however, built his house on the rock and when the storm, the flood and the wind came against it, it did not fall because the foundation of the house was strongly founded upon the rock. The only sure foundation to any life, kingdom, throne, and institution, such as marriage, on which they will survive, is the foundation of the word of God. When temptations, challenges, and trials come, the house (marriage, government, and kingdom) stays strong, because it is founded upon the solid rock, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Marriage is ordained and executed by God. It is his original idea and the most important institution in the world. It started from the beginning of creation and will continue until the end of creation when the Lord Jesus will remove his Bride, the Church, from Earth. The meaning and purpose of marriage have been misunderstood, that is why many people violently die in it or get confused and frustrated along the way. God laments that His people perish for lack of knowledge. When couples don't understand the purpose of marriage, they fight over everything until they wound each other, but with knowledge and vision, they will build strong, successful home and raise godly offspring that will fulfill their divine purpose on Earth. This book will look into the foundation -the original purpose of marriage and how it is part of divine purpose on Earth. The understanding of this will help couples have a vision and walk according to their vision in marriage because, without vision people perish (Proverbs 29:18), but with vision, they will succeed and fulfill their divine destiny on Earth