此系列由國立成功大學專業英文團隊研發而成,是全台灣第一套以ESP(English For Specific Purposes,專業英文)概念設計,針對不同學科領域需求所設計而成的全方位英語教材。
Introduction of the Series
This series recognizes the varied academic and professional English learning needs of college students as they prepare for different careers. By adopting the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) approach—one of the most effective EFL teaching methods used today—the series equips students with academic skills for English-speaking classrooms, while also providing relevant language training to ensure professional success.
★ 本書分為進入職場、商業會議、顧客服務與職場人際關係等四大主題,內容涵蓋了電話禮儀、如何回應邀約、製作問卷、面試要領、履歷書寫、商用書信等實際應用層面的商用英文技巧。
★ 本書各課均以「搭配詞」(collocation)為概念設計練習題,快速引導讀者掌握英語單字搭配的訣竅,不需要死背就能讓單字量倍增。
★ 課文字彙細分為專業字彙 ESP Vocabulary與一般字彙General Vocabulary
★ 本書包含了聽說讀寫等練習,更附有「語料庫搜尋」(Corpus Search)單元,指引讀者使用網路語料庫,即時吸收最新語言資訊,為將來自我學習/進修做準備。
★ 書中各章配有課後測驗習題,可作為隨堂測驗或自我測驗。著重於情境式的寫作與口說練習。
Features include
★ Authentic reading materials, focusing on issues related to workplace and career
★ Collocation-based activities
★ Classroom tested materials and activities