Step into the world of Detective Horace Eberlee, a seasoned police officer with the Massachusetts State Police. After 17 years of service, he transitioned to become a homicide detective. Horace, a Criminal Science major from Yale University, initially interned with the police department’s Internal Investigations unit. However, his passion for major crimes led him to pursue a career where he could make a more significant impact.
Driven and possessing excellent problem-solving skills, Detective Eberlee excels at catching criminals. Despite retiring, he occasionally takes on private investigator roles to stay sharp. While he is ambitious in his crime-solving endeavors, Horace grapples with everyday demons and disappointments. His children are estranged, his wife regrets meeting him, and financial obligations like alimony and child support are the tenuous threads keeping communication alive.
To cope, Detective Eberlee began documenting his cases in a diary, delving into the minds of criminals. What triggered them? How did they become agents of horror? It’s a wonder that the detective didn’t succumb to vices earlier, especially after the harrowing "Twin Horror" case, one of the most perplexing investigations he had ever encountered. Little did he know, that case was merely a Pandora’s box, foreshadowing the disturbing events to follow.
"The Harvest" unfolds as a chronicle of well-loved twins from a seemingly idyllic family. However, something went awry. What was it that turned these siblings into malevolent forces? Whatever the mysterious "it" was, Detective Eberlee had the challenging task of unraveling the case and exposing the unsettling truths lurking beneath the surface.