Hazel’s Great Adventure is the story of how an 8-year-old Jack Russell Terrier grieved for people who had raised her, feared being alone, and recovered.
Hazel is 8 years old, which is almost half a dog life. Since Hazel understands only a few dozen words of English, no one could tell her they weren’t coming back. Hazel was raised and cared for by three people - all of whom left, having passed away or moved away.The events in Hazel’s story happened - a road trip from Montana to South Texas. Hazel’s story is one of grief, compassion, separation anxiety, and learning to trust the world again, realizing that her anchor is who she is.Hazel tells her story, strictly from her point of view, with her limited understanding of the "things" people use, while with a vast and informative world of scents. Since Hazel cannot talk or write, James R. Olsen, "The Man With Whom I Hunt," has undertaken to translate for Hazel.This is her story - a story told in canine poetic prose.