圖書名稱:Hong Kong Soft Power:Art Practices in the Special Administrative Region,2005-2014
“This is a vital book for specialists as well as a wider readership with an interest in greater China’s diverse and changing artworlds。”──Paul Gladston,The University of Nottingham
This book investigates the varied forms of art practices in Hong Kong and greater China over the last decade。 The author explores how and why the artists of the city engage in practices ranging from the most personal to the most socially oriented,with an interesting analysis of the works of about fifty local art practitioners and a representative range of art institutions。
Frank Vigneron
Frank Vigneron is Professor at the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK. He has lived in Hong Kong since 1990.
規格:平裝 / 412頁 / 19 x 23.5 x 2.06 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版