There is something to be said about fantasy football. That something is that it is not for everybody. Those who love it, love it. Those who hate it, hate it. Those who don’t care are called spouses.
The name alone conjures up a hybrid image of ESPN and late night Cinemax. But no, this fantasy is not of the erotic type. It is fantasy in the sense that it is the only way most of us would ever be even remotely involved in professional athletics. The first recorded season of fantasy football occurred in 1976, when a young man named...OK, you know what? I have no earthly idea when fantasy football officially started, and I really have no inclination to look it up. That’s not what this book is about. You aren’t going to find the history of the game here. You won’t find advice for how to start your own league or tips for drafting a dynasty. You definitely will not find any ways to sharpen your managerial skills. In fact, there’s a good chance you won’t find any skill at all in this book. Instead, what you will find is an inside look at one fantasy football league. A fly-on-the-wall perspective of ten scrappy managers/everyday Joes - more obsessive than some, less obsessive than most. A touching story of one triumphant champion and nine complete losers. Prepare to step into history. And by "history," I mean "completely unspectacular events that have happened in the recent past."