In this book, you will learn: - How King David and Joab are related - How Joab became Commander-in-Chief of David’s Army - How Joab interceded for King David to bring Absalom back to Jerusalem after he killed his brother, Amnon - Why Joab opposed King David taking a census - Why Joab did not support Absalom’s rebellion but supported Adonijah’s against their father, David, to take the throne - Why Joab kills Abner, Commander of Saul’s army and Amasa, Commander of Absalom’s army - The names of David’s mighty men and Joab’s downfall - The death of Joab You will be able to discuss Joab’s relationship with King David and his family and what led to his downfall that he is not listed among David’s mighty men. Carol Byers has worked fifty years in Washington, DC in administrative capacities with the United States Senate and with the County of Los Angeles legislative office as well as two prestigious law firms. Beyond a robust commitment to community service in Lions Club International where she has held many positions at the local, regional, and state levels, she remains a student of the Bible. She is a born-again Christian, a Sunday School teacher, and the Missions Director at her church. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.