Indefinite articles - a和an (1)
不定冠詞 (1)
Let’s listen
Boy: What’s that strange shadow in the water?
Girl: It looks really big. Is it an otter or a seal?
Boy: No, it’s not an otter or a seal. It has arms - eight long arms! It’s an octopus!
Girl: It’s a giant octopus! Wow, look! It’s chasing after a dolphin and a ray! It wants to eat them!
中文的「一隻」和「一條」,變成英文後統統用a / an,例如:a seal(一隻海豹)、an otter(一隻水獺)、an octopus(一隻八爪魚)、a dolphin(一條海豚)、a ray(一條魔鬼魚)。
Let’s learn
Indefinite articles are a andan. They mean ‘one’, referring to a single object or person.
不定冠詞有兩個:a 和 an。如果名詞的數量只有一個,我們就會把它放在名詞前面。

Let’s try
Draw lines to group the words.
a an
boy ant owl ear
Let’s talk
Draw the words and talk about them.

Let’s try答案:a: boy / an: ant, owl, ear
Grammar item 18
Subject pronouns
Let’s listen
Boy: Who’s your best friend?
Girl: Anna is my best friend. I moved here a year ago. I didn’t know the kids here. Then I met Anna. She is really kind. We both like to play badminton and since then she and I have always been together.
Boy: Agreed. Anna is so friendly that everyone likes her. She always lets others go before her and she is popular with her friends.
Let’s learn
We use subject pronouns to replace the name of a person / a thing in the subject position.

Let’s try
Fill in the blanks with the correct subject pronouns.
My uncle is a driver. __________ has a taxi.
My name is Tim. __________ am six years old.
Tracy enjoys reading. __________ has lots of books.
There are some monkeys over there. __________ look funny.
Let’s talk
Who is your best friend? What is he/ she like? What does he / she like? Talk about it.
你最好的朋友是誰?他 / 她的樣子是怎樣的?他 / 她喜歡什麼?請說一說。
My best friend is _______.
He / She is _______. He / She likes _______.
Let’s try答案:1. He 2. I 3. She 4. They
Grammar item 38
Past simple - Irregular verbs
Let’s listen
Boy: Something terrible happened to me yesterday.
Girl: What happened?
Boy: I was late for school. I got up too late to catch the school bus. When I ate my breakfast, I spilled the milk all over the table. Nothing went right.
Girl: Oh, poor you!
動詞的過去有各種各樣的變化,例如:get的過去式不是getted,而是got;eat 的過去式不是eated,而是ate;spill 的過去式是spilled,英式說法卻是spilt;go 的過去式不是goed,而是went。
Let’s learn
Irregular verbs don’t end in –d or –ed in their past tense. In fact, they don’t end in anything in particular.
有些動詞的過去式不是直接加上–d 或–ed,這屬於不規則動詞,沒有固定的變化規律。

Let’s try
Circle the correct answers.
1. The baby (drank / drink / drinked) all of the milk.
2. We (swims / swimmed / swam) in the pool.
3. He (write / wrote / writed) to his grandmother yesterday.
Let’s talk
Anna is talking about what she did on her birthday. Finish what she says.
Morning do a puzzle
Afternoon fly a kite
Evening go to the cinema
Let’s try答案:1. swam 2. drank 3. Wrote
Grammar item 83
Prepositions of place - at, on, in
Let’s listen
Girl: There’s no one in the classroom. Where have they all gone?
Boy: Are they playing in the playground?
Girl: No, I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find them. Ahh, they might be on the rooftop. I haven’t yet searched the rooftop.
Boy: Hey, look at this notice at the top of the board. No wonder nobody is at school, it’s a holiday today.
我們用中文會說「在課室」、「在天台」、「在學校」等,但用英文就要分別說成in the classroom、on the rooftop、at school。
Let’s learn
We use prepositions of place when we talk about the location of things.

Let’s try
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.
What did you learn __________ class today?
Aunt Lily lives ________ a small village ________ the north coast.
Let’s talk
Where do you live? Talk about it.
I live on the _______ floor at _______ in ________.
Let’s try答案:1. in 2. in; on
Grammar item 94
Passive voice
Let’s listen
Girl: This picture was drawn by an elephant. Can you believe it?
Boy: That’s amazing. Elephants are really clever animals, aren’t they?
Girl: Yes, they are. They are trained to perform lots of tasks, such as kicking a ball or carrying people around. Some are even taught to read simple words so that they can communicate with people.
Boy: That’s brilliant!
Let’s learn
In the active voice, we follow a subject–verb–object structure. In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb.

Let’s try
Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.
1. Roger ate the food.
2. Aunt Lily baked these cookies.
Let’s talk
Describe the pictures using the passive voice.
Let’s try答案:1.The food was eaten by Roger. 2.These cookies were baked by Aunt Lily.
Let’s talk答案:1. The clothes were folded. 2. The vase was broken.