In a world addicted to screens if you want to become a trusted leader you have to show up on video... or face becoming invisible.
But what if you find video too technical, you don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera and you don’t know what to say? Lucky you. It has never been easier to unleash your inner video star.
This book reveals the real secrets to unlocking the anti-invisibility powers of the world’s most effective yet inexpensive sales, marketing and communication tool: the smartphone you already own.
You’ll discover better simpler smarter ways to make videos. You’ll be surprised at how fast you improve. You’ll have people saying how good you’ve become.
Those with something to say - and the video skills to say it - are fast becoming the new trusted authorities that everyone wants to do business with.
This is a once in a decade opportunity.
There are no gatekeepers.
There is next to no cost.
There is no reason it can’t be you.