This is a work of love. Using only the movement of her eyeballs allied with aides or family members yielding a Visual Chart, Leide Moreira constructs remarkable and moving poems, introducing us to a universe full of contagious hope and emotion-filled reflections on life. This experience is an invitation to partake in life and that which is most humane in all of us. 60 poems written solely through the use of the eyeball and the help of a Visual Chart. Twenty of them have already been previously published in Leide Moreira’s first book LETTERS OF MY EMOTION, from 2006. The remaining – 40 as yet unpublished poems – represent the author’s production between the years of 2007 and 2008. The printed version of POEMS THAT HELP ME FEEL ALIVE was released in November 2008 at the Jornal Folha de São Paulo Auditorium with a public reading performed by actresses Fernanda D’Umbra and Christiane Couto, as well as the presence of the author herself who arrived on a gurney transported by an ICU ambulance. This digital version is exactly the same as the printed version. Delve into this universe and discover what it is that makes Leide feel alive.