2019年11月23-24日在屏東縣政府舉辦了「南國與萬國的交會:全球史視野下的羅妹號、牡丹社事件與十九世紀瑯嶠地方社會」國際學術研討會。會中邀請美國、日本等國外學者以及國內相關領域之專家學者發表論文。如今選輯成冊,出版論文集。 On November 23-24, 2019, the international academic conference of “Encounters between Southern Formosa and the World: International Conference on the Formosa Incident of 1867, 1874, and Langjiao Local Society in the 19th Century in World Historical Perspective” was held in Pingtung County Hall. Foreign scholars from the United States and Japan, as well as domestic experts and scholars in related fields, are invited to exchange opinions with the participants by publishing papers and symposiums. Some papers are select into this theses collection.