You believe The Bible is the inspired word of God, but can you always tell the difference between a genuine message from it and a counterfeit version? Take, for example, the following truths that are said to come straight from Holy Writ. Which of them would you say are genuine and which would you say are counterfeit?
- Jesus was just a poor carpenter’s son before His real ministry began
- The Israelites were always slaves in Egypt before Moses led them out of bondage
- Only humans get into Heaven; sorry, no pets allowed
- When Abraham sought to sacrifice him, Isaac was still a child with no idea what his father was planning
- Jesus was born on December 25th
If you’re like most people, you’d probably say they’re all genuine, right? But actually, they’re some of the greatest misconceptions ever blamed on The Bible, because as it turns out, all of these so-called "truths" are false. That is to say, they are if you look to the Scriptures to verify such things.
To that end, Fish Tales (From the Belly of the Whale) plunges you headlong into an unrelenting search for biblical truth that will forever change how you think about the word of God. Along the way, you’ll find that Fish Tales not only exposes the origins of these misconceptions, but it also restores The Bible’s original message of hope and inspiration, which once made it humanity’s brightest light in a darkened world.