Life can take many twists and turns along the way. Sometimes finding our way can be difficult. Finding our way back can be nearly impossible. Family and friends become the road maps of our lives as we mature in years and decide which paths to take. Not every path is paved with gold. Some paths are dirt roads leading nowhere, yet others lead to a fork in the road that forces us to make what could be a life-changing decision.
Advice and suggestions from others, whether intentional or not, will lead us to our destiny. A friend or family member may approach us and say straight out, "You should do this." They may show us our path by example. They may use a subtle yet effective way of showing us which road to take. Life is not an accident. It is a predetermined course that has detours and roadblocks. Burned-out bridges and large bodies of water that require time and effort to maneuver around may stall our progress or change our direction completely.
The Christmas House tells the story of a special house that shows a family the way to their destiny and future goals. Through time and experience, they realize their dreams. Not every path is pleasant. Not every path is happy and joyful. With happiness comes disappointment. From those disappointments, they learn the real meaning of their important goals in life.
The house may be the main focal point of the story; however, it is only a catalyst that brings friends and family together. Life without dreams and aspirations is flawed and unfulfilling. Dreams that are flawed and unfulfilled never amount to much of a life. Live your dreams through the house on Festive Lane, and fulfill your own life in the process.