本書為「現代語言學會」(Modern Language Association)指定的論文寫作手冊,指導研究報告及學術論文的寫作法和標準格式。自從問世以來,廣受重視,全球銷售量已超過三百萬冊,為大專學生、研究生、專業學者及出版業者不可或缺的案頭書。
對於引用數位資源有更明確和方便的規範:網址的寫法、引用時間可選擇不列出、DOI (Digital Object Identifier)的引用、引用資訊不夠明確時的做法。
文中引用的規範改變:引用影片時加上時間、引用非英文作品並翻為英文時應加上 my trans.。
其他規範詳見本書內容。更多的細節說明與舉例請參考書中指引,連上MLA網站https://style.mla.org 查詢。此版目前無中譯本發行,但提供中文「出版說明」摘要說明本書要旨,必要時讀者可參考本書第七版中文本《MLA論文寫作手冊》。
The Modern Language Association, the authority on research and writing, takes a fresh look at documenting sources in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. Works are published today in a dizzying range of formats. A book, for example, may be read in print, online, or as an e-book--or perhaps listened to in an audio version. On the Web, modes of publication are regularly invented, combined, and modified. Previous editions of the MLA Handbookprovided separate instructions for each format, and additional instructions were required for new formats. In this groundbreaking new edition of its best-selling handbook, the MLA recommends instead one universal set of guidelines, which writers can apply to any type of source.
Shorter and redesigned for easy use, the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook guides writers through the principles behind evaluating sources for their research. It then shows them how to cite sources in their writing and create useful entries for the works-cited list.
More than just a new edition, this is a new MLA style.
現代語言學會(Modern Language Association)創立於1883年,是美國主要服務語言及文學學者的專業協會。該協會致力於推動人文學科類學者的交流,每年主持年會和其他研討會、並支持人文類書籍的出版。多數語言及文學類的學術論文採用該協會的論文格式撰寫。該協會會員超過24,000名,遍布世界100個國家。
現代語言學會(Modern Language Association)於 1883 年在紐約市成立,由三千多位英語和其他現代語言領域的學者和教師組成,出版各種期刊與書籍,以加強語言及文學的教學與研究。現代語言學會在 1951 年印行了〈MLA寫作規範〉(“The MLA Style Sheet”),從那之後,現代語言學會就持續改良 MLA格式,以裨益於論文及研究報告的寫作。
MLA 格式在當今的學術研究中被普遍使用──特別是人文學科的學術論文。它其中一項優點是簡單明瞭,相較其他格式的論文更易於閱讀;另外,它具有可調整的彈性,可以適度取捨引用書目條目的組成項目。使用 MLA 格式,絕對能幫助你寫出可靠、有說服力的論文和報告。
本書 MLA Handbook 能協助論文寫作的每個階段:從訂定題目到如何在引用書目中使用縮寫,幾乎所有寫作論文時遇到的問題本書都有指導。撰寫過程中,你可能會遇到想引用但不熟悉的資料來源,或對標點符號和縮寫的用法有疑問;你可能不知道如何引用英文以外的著作、如何登錄你在網站上找到的資料,以及如何引用一封電子郵件。這些問題本書都有解答,你可以在寫作過程中不斷回查本書,相信它將成為最便利的協助工具。
1. 相較於去細分不同的引用來源如何標註,第八版的引用注重作者、作品名稱等基本要素。作品引用建議上,有關縮寫(頁96-97)、共同作者(22)、網路和數位資源的引用(48, 53, 110)、期刊文章(39-40, 45)皆略有更動。
2. 出版者名稱的引用規則調整,包含縮寫(頁97)、共同出版者(108),以及可省略出版者的狀況(42)皆有詳盡說明。
3. 有關內文中引用,MLA的大原則沒有改變,第八版新增的細節有括號內過長、多個名稱的處理(頁117-18, 126-27)、影音素材如何標註時間(57)、以及古希臘、羅馬、中古時期資料引用的細節(122)。
其他更新的寫作原則和引用規範散見於本書各章節。本次台灣版內容,特別彙整MLA協會的網路資源,在書末整理擴充成Appendix。相信MLA Handbook 第八版與時俱進的規範,和明確的引用方法,能在這個資訊爆炸的年代,幫助你寫出最嚴謹、豐富的研究論文。
書林編輯部 謹誌
現代語言學會(Modern Language Association)於 1883 年在紐約市成立,由三千多位英語和其他現代語言領域的學者和教師組成,出版各種期刊與書籍,以加強語言及文學的教學與研究。現代語言學會在 1951 年印行了〈MLA寫作規範〉(“The MLA Style Sheet”),從那之後,現代語言學會就持續改良 MLA格式,以裨益於論文及研究報告的寫作。
MLA 格式在當今的學術研究中被普遍使用──特別是人文學科的學術論文。它其中一項優點是簡單明瞭,相較其他格式的論文更易於閱讀;另外,它具有可調整的彈性,可以適度取捨引用書目條目...
Foreword by Rosemary G. Feal vii
Preface by Kathleen Fitzpatrick ix
Part 1 Principles of MLA Style
Introduction 3
Why Document Sources? 5
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty 6
Think: Evaluating Your Sources 10
Select: Gathering Information about Your Sources 13
Organize: Creating Your Documentation 19
The List of Works Cited 20
The Core Elements 20
Author 21
Title of Source 25
Title of Container 30
Other Contributors 37
Version 38
Number 39
Publisher 40
Publication Date 42
Location 46
Optional Elements 50
In-Text Citations 54
Part 2 Details of MLA Style
Introduction 61
1. The Mechanics of Scholarly Prose 61
1.1 Names of Persons 61
1.1.1 First and Subsequent Uses of Names 61
1.1.2 Titles of Authors 62
1.1.3 Names of Authors and Fictional Characters 62
1.1.4 Names in Languages Other Than English 63
1.2 Titles of Sources 67
1.2.1 Capitalization and Punctuation 67
1.2.2 Italics and Quotation Marks 68
1.2.3 Shortened Titles 70
1.2.4 Titles within Titles 71
1.2.5 Titles of Sources in Languages Other Than English 72
1.3 Quotations 75
1.3.1 Use and Accuracy of Quotations 75
1.3.2 Prose 75
1.3.3 Poetry 77
1.3.4 Drama 80
1.3.5 Ellipsis 80
1.3.6 Other Alterations of Quotations 86
1.3.7 Punctuation with Quotations 87
1.3.8 Translations of Quotations 90
1.4 Numbers 92
1.4.1 Use of Numerals or Words 92
1.4.2 Commas in Numbers 92
1.4.3 Inclusive Numbers 93
1.4.4 Roman Numerals 93
1.5 Dates and Times 94
1.6 Abbreviations 95
1.6.1 Months 95
1.6.2 Common Academic Abbreviations 96
1.6.3 Publishers’ Names 97
1.6.4 Titles of Works 97
2. Works Cited 102
2.1 Names of Authors 102
2.1.1 Variant Forms 102
2.1.2 Titles and Suffixes 103
2.1.3 Corporate Authors 104
2.2 Titles 105
2.2.1 Introduction, Preface, Foreword, or Afterword 106
2.2.2 Translations of Titles 106
2.3 Versions 107
2.4 Publisher 107
2.5 Locational Elements 110
2.5.1 Plus Sign with Page Number 110
2.5.2 URLs and DOIs 110
2.6 Punctuation in the Works-Cited List 110
2.6.1 Square Brackets 111
2.6.2 Forward Slash 111
2.7 Formatting and Ordering the Works-Cited List 111
2.7.1 Letter-by-Letter Alphabetization 112
2.7.2 Multiple Works by One Author 113
2.7.3 Multiple Works by Coauthors 114
2.7.4 Alphabetizing by Title 115
2.7.5 Cross-References 115
3. In-Text Citations 116
3.1 Author 116
3.1.1 Coauthors 116
3.1.2 Corporate Author 117
3.2 Title 117
3.2.1 Abbreviating Titles of Sources 117
3.2.2 Descriptive Terms in Place of Titles 118
3.3 Numbers in In-Text Citations 119
3.3.1 Style of Numerals 119
3.3.2 Numbers in Works Available in Multiple Editions 120
3.3.3 Other Citations Not Involving Page Numbers 123
3.4 Indirect Sources 124
3.5 Repeated Use of Sources 124
3.6 Punctuation in the In-Text Citation 126
4. Citations in Forms Other Than Print 127
Practice Template 129
Appendix 131
What’s New in the Eighth Edition 131
Formatting a Research Paper 135
Are Notes Compatible with MLA Style? 143
Index 145
Foreword by Rosemary G. Feal vii
Preface by Kathleen Fitzpatrick ix
Part 1 Principles of MLA Style
Introduction 3
Why Document Sources? 5
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty 6
Think: Evaluating Your Sources 10
Select: Gathering Information about Your Sources 13
Organize: Creating Your Documentation 19
The List of Works Cited 20
The Core Elements 20
Author 21
Title of Source 25
Title of Container 30
Other Contributors 37
Version 38
Number 39
Publisher 40
Publication Date 42