Welcome to the 7th Edition of Content Chemistry This handbook features hundreds of pages of step-by-step web marketing advice written in plain English. You’ll also find tons of diagrams, AI prompts, quick tips and things to avoid. When you pick up this book, you’ll be holding a practical explanation of all these topics, along with the specific actions to take to succeed on your own. You’ll know which actions lead to which outcomes. You’ll know where you’re going and how to get there. And you’ll know how to measure it all. Once you’ve finished this book, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to grow a business through the creation and promotion of digital content. "Content Chemistry is a true classic in our field." Mark Schaefer, Author of Known and Cumulative Advantage "Content Chemistry is the roadmap to success that is simple to read, easy to use and profoundly effective. This is a must-read for every marketer today." Michael Brenner, Marketing Insider Group "Bursting with good advice and the facts to prove it, Content Chemistry is the most practical book ever written about modern digital marketing." Jay Baer, Founder of Convince & Convert, Author of Hug Your Haters