The battle of the lands has begun and the killing of their
people has The Nine rising with a bold plan. As the world
burns, Branna is burdened with the sight of possible outcomes
and a grim task she does not see coming.
When the lands turn dark, Eamon turns to witchcraft for answers and
receives more than he has bargained for, finding himself entangled not
with one, but three witches, each fighting for their own claim within the
Sophia has never seen the ocean for she has led a sheltered life, but now
the Great King has called all subjects to cross the desert to face the
Nameless One in a desperate attempt to return the lush green forest or
follow the fate of the lands beneath the sea.
’Where the earth shakes, all must uproot, whether it be
human, beast, tree or rock. Where the lands split, each must
uphold their end of the bargain or fall into the canyon opening
before them, swallowed whole never to return.’
These and other stories make up the first volume of The Path Carvers