The chapters of this book discuss the modeling of electric drives, taking into account their relationship with the technological process they serve, which significantly affects the composition, layout, and characteristics of the electric drive. There are no published books of this kind, and this book fills a gap in the literature. This book deals with electric drives for rolling mills, paper machines, a number of several hoisting and transport devices; these installations are very common and very complex, so that modeling methods in their development and study are mandatory.
The book focuses on issues such as the transmission of torque by elastic shafts, the transmission of torque by an endless elastic belt in paper machines and conveyors, the transmission of torque by friction of pressed rolls in the paper industry, the consideration of the elastic properties of long ropes in some hoisting and transport machines, and the effect of swinging a moving load in such machines. More than 100 models of the electrical drives that are made with the use of the program environment MATLAB(R)/Simulink(R) are appended to this book. The aims of these models are to aid students studying electrical drives of the various manufacturing machines, to facilitate the understanding of various electrical drive functions, and to create a platform for the development of systems by readers in their fields.
This book can be used by engineers and investigators as well as undergraduate and graduate students to develop new electrical drives and investigate the existing ones.