This book is complementary material for four of my apps as well as a website for Instruction of Hebrew I developed.
We website
is a colorful, varied tool designed for learners of Hebrew as a second or foreign language, suitable for ages 8 to adult. It offers games for beginners and intermediate learners across various topics and interactive levels. You can use it for self learning or as an instructional tool if you are a teacher. The tool helps practice reading and listening skills as well as reading skills. I specify bellow four Apps which are the basis of the book. Bellow I provide the apps names along with the link on Amazon where you can buy them. I also indicate a website link which includes similar drills in case the apps do not work for some reason or under development.
The chapters to be used with this book are: Hebrew Alphabet; Spelling;Learn Hebrew: Food and Eating I developed the materials and the method of instruction of Hebrew language I present in this book during my over 35 year of teaching Hebrew in academic and business community: My method is intended to teach grammar skills as inseparable from vocabulary or spelling of separate words. Instead it shows how to express yourself freely and correctly in oral and written form from the beginning of your studies. This book explains and trains vocabulary along with the grammar via total immersion mod. The first chapter trains the alphabet and reading skills in Hebrew in an innovative method. It uses uses your brain photographing ability instead of the traditional Hebrew teaching methods. Use this book as a manual for four of my apps the following way:1. Hebrew Alphabet
http: // 2. Spelling, trains spelling of words in Hebrew concentrating on already learned vocabulary.
http: // 3. Learn Hebrew: Food and Eating: Trains vocabulary and spelling for basic food and spelling]
http: // Many more issues are to be covered in other books. I have shortened this addition due to changing to website which for now replace my apps.