Revelation is the most mis-understood Book in the Bible simply because Christians do not understand the timeline. This book is a hard read for it is a deep study that compiles verses from almost every book in the Old and New Testament. The Scriptures are fascinating for it ties all the Bible prophetic books together into the book of Revelation. Prophetic events fit together perfectly like a million-peace jigsaw puzzle. The KEY helps to unlock these Secrets. The Apostle John was chosen by God to compile end-time prophecy into one book that correlates perfectly with all Biblical writings so that the Church could understand in the last days. One third of all Scripture is Prophetic and we must "study to show thyself approved", II Tim 2:15. Daniel 12:9 states, "And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." It is now time to unseal the Key and understand the Prophetic truths that has now been released. God is currently revealing these hidden secrets of Prophecy to his chosen ones and he, for some reason, has chosen me to unlock his prophetic secrets to you. By guidance of the Holy Spirit, deep study and prayer, Jesus has given me the secrets of the book of Revelation to tell the world. Are you willing to take the same sacrifice and seek the Truth? This, is my mission in life, to present the Reader these secrets in dedication to my Lord Jesus Christ.