Johanna Putnoi is a dancer, writer and teacher who lectures and leads workshop in applied somatics, the movement arts and the Enneagram. A certified teacher of both Lomi Somatics and the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition, she holds degrees from New York University and the American University in Paris. For more than thirty years, Johanna has explored the relationship between ideas, emotions and the sensate language of the body. She has worked to help people develop a new awareness and respect for the body’s natural intelligence, the mind’s natural clarity, and the heart’s emotional wisdom. Presently Johanna is in private practice in Menlo Park, California. She is a popular workshop leader at the prestigious Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California where she teaches a workshop called, Senses Wide Open: A Body-Based Approach to Self-Investigation. Her students include psychologists, bodyworkers, actors, dancers, screenwriters, business consultants, healthcare professionals, enneagram enthusiasts, joint replacement recipients, and all those interested in developing an embodied sense of self. For more information visit her website: